Happiness isn't always the best way to be happy.
Where the Wild Things Are
Eingestellt von Fox Mulder um 12:23 0 Kommentare
Labels: Mark Ruffalo, Max Records, Spike Jonze
Grizzly Man
I will die for these animals, I will die for these animals, I will die for these animals.
Eingestellt von Fox Mulder um 13:33 4 Kommentare
Labels: Werner Herzog
The Ruins
Four Americans on vacation don't just disappear!
Eingestellt von Fox Mulder um 06:29 2 Kommentare
Labels: Carter Smith, Jena Malone
The Informers
Eingestellt von Fox Mulder um 06:21 2 Kommentare
Labels: Amber Heard, Billy Bob Thornton, Gregor Jordan, Kim Basinger, Lou Taylor Pucci, Mickey Rourke, Winona Ryder
The New World
I thought it was dream... what we knew in the forest. It's the only truth.
Extended Cut
Eingestellt von Fox Mulder um 12:50 0 Kommentare
Labels: Christian Bale, Christopher Plummer, Colin Farrell, Jonathan Pryce, Q'orianka Kilcher, Terrence Malick, Wes Studi
A Serious Man
I feel like the carpet's been yanked out from under me.
Eingestellt von Fox Mulder um 05:46 0 Kommentare
Labels: Coen Brothers, Michael Stuhlbarg
Into the Wild
If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed.
Eingestellt von Fox Mulder um 12:32 0 Kommentare
Labels: Emile Hirsch, Jena Malone, Kristen Stewart, Marcia Gay Harden, Sean Penn, Vince Vaughn, William Hurt, Zach Galifianakis
Sherlock Holmes
You do know what you are drinking is meant for eye surgery?
Eingestellt von Fox Mulder um 02:27 0 Kommentare
Labels: Guy Ritchie, Jude Law, Mark Strong, Rachel McAdams, Robert Downey Jr.